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My Background

I have more than 35 years experience in the medical and healthcare industries and I have always loved helping and inspiring people. I grew up in a healing family where my father was a psychotherapist as well as a teacher and my mother a body worker and healer. I initially started my health and well-being career in the mid 80's as a young Registered Nurse back in Sweden and worked as this for a few years until I decided to do a degree in psychology instead.


I moved to the UK in my mid 20's and started my own, very successful business manufacturing and selling Natural and Organic health and beauty products (Herbal Linéa). At its peak I had a shop and several market stalls employing full time and seasonal staff. I loved my business, and I was working 80+ hours a week loving every minute of it.


After the birth of my two children I felt I needed more energy to be able to cope with motherhood and full time working life. I wanted to feel more energized and so I started experimenting with making changes to my diet and lifestyle. I also went to see a Naturopath for some support and help. I was absolutely blown away by how well just a few tweaks made me feel. I wanted more of that. This resulted in a new direction in my life and a passionate love affair with healthy plantbased cooking and a special interest in raw food.  Not only was I feeling better and more energized on my new healthy regime, but I looked better; my skin was clear and glowing for the first time ever in my life (I have suffered from spots and acne since my teens), my weight was back to my pre-pregnancy weight, my hair was shiny and I looked and felt younger. I was so amazed by the way that my new diet made me feel, both physically and mentally, that I decided to study Nutrition full time to learn more and so that I could help others to feel as well as I do without the help of stimulants like coffee and sugar or even medication. I was amazed and blown away by all the knowledge there is out there and how little I had known. I felt I found the holy grail.


Whilst studying, I worked on myself using detox, fasts, juices, cleanses and other natural techniques. This helped me make even more amazing discoveries about my health both physically, mentally and emotionally. This has helped me make valuable changes in my life as well as my family’s lives. In my house there is always something happening in the kitchen. Concoctions of creams and lotions have turned into sprouting, fermenting, dehydrating, mixing and blending. 


I am totally aware of the hardship of working full time, bring up a family and at the same time trying to look after yourself and be healthy. When we have to work long days and then do all the house shores and spend time with family and see friends and all other musts it is easy to forget about yourself and what is good for you.


Having reached my mid 50's I am now experiencing a whole different way my body is feeling. I now how to be more consistent with my health regimes and lifestyle. However, I actually still feel the strongest I have done and have lots of energy. In my professional experience I know that Health also have very much to do with luck. Disease can strike all of us at any time. However, eating a varied whole food diet, sleeping at 7 hours a night, spending daily time in nature, exercise every day and having ways to work and cope with stress will improve health for everyone. Wherever you are in your journey. I have periods when I don’t look after myself well. But I use that as a reminder of me how unwell I can feel and I go back to a more healthy living again. I am a firm believer to live after the 80-20 principle. 


80-20 means I look after myself well and make good healthy choices 80% of the time. 20% of the time I make choices that I really enjoy but know is not good for my health. What I do 80% of the time is what will make an impact. And consistency is key. What I do 20% of the time will not matter to my health. My amazing body will be able to cope with that. My body is constantly striving for homeostasis.


Having the knowledge of what is good and not so good for you is the first step. Then you can start making informed choices and take some sort of control of your health again. Without our health we have nothing.

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